- Instructions for all homework assignments
- First Assignment (Saturday, 9th November 2024, at 21:00 GMT+2)
- Second Assignment (Saturday, 16th November 2024, at 13:00 GMT+2)
- Third Assignment (Wednesday, 20th November 2024, at 21:00 GMT+2)
This page is where your handed-in, graded homework assignments will be posted along with their due dates and other information.
Do not only do these assignments! Each lecture has assignments to help you revise what we did in class and possibly for the next lecture as well. Many of those lectures will show up as homework but not all. Please try as much as possible to do all assigned work, to get the very most out of class.
Instructions for all homework assignments
You must write, type, use Jupyter notebook, or use LaTeX to submit homework. ALL CODE MUST BE EXPLAINED. That means you should have at least one English sentence to explain each line of code that you write. This may be in a form of a comments or in a paragraph after each computation in your Jupyter notebook.
Similarly, do not simply write your explorations as lists of numbers, but write explanations of what you tried, and what didn’t work.
Do NOT use internet resources for the exploration; for help with SageMath you may search the internet, of course. You are also welcome to ask me or any of the tutors.
Starred (*) exercises are more important; you should be working on them early and often. To pass the course you should try to do all the starred exercises.
First Assignment (Saturday, 9th November 2024, at 21:00 GMT+2)
Please do not forget to read the general instruction for all homework assignments.
Second Assignment (Saturday, 16th November 2024, at 13:00 GMT+2)
Please do not forget to read the general instruction for all homework assignments.
Third Assignment (Wednesday, 20th November 2024, at 21:00 GMT+2)
- See the projects page for more details.