“Best scientific illustration making use of the Sage animate or @interact features.”

  • Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 20th November, by 21:00.
  • Group Presentation: Presentations will take place in class on Thursday. Every group member is required to participate in the presentation. Each group will have 10 minutes to present, followed by a 5-minute question and answer session.

The submitted work should showcase the students’ original ideas. Each submission will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Grading Protocol:

  • Originality of the concept
  • Quality of graphics and visual presentation
  • Clarity and scientific depth of the message
  • Explanation of ideas, including the application of Sage’s @interact and/or animate feature(s).
  • Effectiveness in communicating the concept clearly

For additional inspiration and guidance, students may refer to the interact resources and Wolfram Demonstrations or explore other scientific illustrations available online. While online @interact examples can serve as inspiration, the submissions must primarily reflect the students’ own work.

Submission Protocol:

  1. Create an interact in ONE cell within a Jupyter notebook.
  2. Provide an explanation as described above in a separate text cell within the same Jupyter notebook.
  3. Include all group members’ names prominently in the explanation.
  4. File Naming: Name the file your_group_name_interact_submission (e.g., group_1_interact_submission) and download it as a Jupyter notebook.
  5. Submit: Reply to the official announcement email from the instructor, attaching the Jupyter notebook. Ensure the notebook contains the names of all group members.
  6. Relax!