Evans Doe Ocansey


I am a Senior Data Scientist at RISC Software GmbH, leading research and data science initiatives across various high-impact European Union (EU) and customer projects. My work focuses on data engineering, from designing ETL pipelines to data cleaning, and on developing, training, and validating advanced AI models for complex industrial applications. A critical aspect of my role is presenting insights and outcomes to stakeholders, ensuring alignment with project goals and expectations.

My academic journey began with a Ph.D. in Mathematics (with distinction) from Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, at the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC). My thesis focused on “Difference Rings Algorithms for Nested Products,” supervised by Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Carsten Schneider, and contributed novel insights to the fields of difference ring algebra. Prior to this, I completed my MSc in Mathematics (Cum Laude) at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, where I worked on combinatorial enumeration problems under the guidance of Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Stephan Wagner.

Throughout my career, I have also been actively involved in teaching and mentoring. As a visiting lecturer at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Cape Town, I continue to teach experimental mathematics using the pythonic based computer algebra system — SageMath — and Python programming, equipping graduate students with tools to address complex mathematical and computational problems.

My background includes a robust foundation in symbolic computation, computer algebra, difference algebra, graph theory and combinatorics, with a focus on applications in industry and academia. I am passionate about applying mathematical and AI-driven approaches to solve real-world challenges, ensuring that theoretical advances translate into practical and impactful solutions.


Nov 04, 2024 Teaching masters students Experimental Mathematics with SageMath at AIMS South Africa.